Guest Post

When you have a platform for your voice, it is important to use it at times when most would simply stay silent. This blog is an excellent platform to bring awareness to issues in the LS community. Everyone is typically focused on when the next big party is, or where they can capture their unicorn. Unfortunately, with many of these Facebook groups, there are admins who feel they know better than you how things should be. They want to “protect” you. Well, mostly just their friends. We understand it is, “their” group. However, much like this blog, when it’s open to so many, it becomes a platform for like-minded individuals. For all to feel heard, and equally protected, the rules must be equally applied.

We may share this world of non-monogamy, but for many, that’s where it ends. The deep-seeded beliefs and prejudiced behaviors that plague our world can leak into our “accepting” community. Often right in your face from people you thought saw the world at least a little more as you. Whether it’s slut-shaming women for not behaving the way you would, excluding bi-men, or publicly shaming individuals for petty grievances, it leaves a bad taste, and a trail of individuals left fighting to preserve their character. We as a community are better than this. Admins are not dictators.

Today’s Guest post comes from an individual who has grown tired of controlling, and hate filled unfair actions all too often displayed by a few. Hopefully, we can all learn something from her, have these conversations, and find ways to be more inclusive and empathetic to everyone around us.

Dog Whistles

Guest post by Vikki

Words have power. 

Words levied by those who have power, against those who don’t, have a special kind of power. 

And when those disempowered people are already fighting centuries of stereotypes, systemic oppression, and white fear (as is the case with the black community), words can actually be dangerous, even deadly. 

We easily recognize some of these words: thug, gangster, hood, ghetto, pimp, and the ubiquitous N-word. Most white people who aren’t out-and-proud racists strive to conscientiously avoid these words. We know they are offensive, hateful, and dangerous. These are words that we hope will die out entirely from the vernacular of white people with our grandparents and parents. 

Unfortunately, such words becoming verboten is outpacing the actual erasure of bias, both explicit and implicit. And where bias exists, language adapts. 

New words are replacing these old terms, and this new language is insidious. Those perpetuating these new words are often unaware or in denial of their own biases and cannot see the harm of their word choices. 

These are dog whistle words, and they are uniquely powerful. 

I am a white woman who adores words. I wield words like a sculptor wields clay, writing both poetry and prose, and I take pride in my gift. I choose my words carefully – I say what I mean, usually eloquently. I say this to illustrate how very hard it is for me to accept that my words don’t always mean only what I intend them to mean. I have been humbled time and again over the years by my two black male partners. They have spent an enormous amount of emotional labor teaching me about seemingly innocuous words that become offensive and dangerous under certain circumstances. I know I am not racist, and they know it as well, but being “not racist” is not enough. Well-intended allies can and do inadvertently harm those they wish to support, either directly or by their ignorant silence. It is incumbent upon us to listen when those who are aggrieved by our actions speak: listen actively, without pride or defensiveness, with a mindful willingness to do better. Fortunately, my desire to do better is ultimately stronger than my desire to be right, and I have been able to learn so much from the men I love.

After downing more than a few servings of humble pie, I understand, and want to share with the white community, that dog whistle words are everywhere. These are words that surreptitiously play to both conscious and subconscious tropes, biases, and fears about black people that remain deeply entrenched in white society – so deep that we often have no idea they persist. Discovering them is a humiliating process for anyone who considers themselves to be an ally, but it is an essential step in the constant quest for improvement.

Take, for example, words like “aggressive,” “hostile,” or “pushy.” These words capitalize on the “Angry Black Man” stereotype, which has triggered fear in white people for centuries. An angry black man is seen as a dangerous thing – far more dangerous than an angry white man. The society we live in today in the US was built, and continues to be shored up, with the goal of keeping him contained. He could be dealt with swiftly and harshly, or shunned altogether, but he must be disempowered. While my above example adjectives aren’t positive for anyone, for a black man attempting to overcome decades upon decades of oppression driven by white fear, such words can become a permanent scarlet letter. 

Or consider “arrogant,” which is the new “uppity:” both words which allude to the idea of a black person not “knowing their place” in white-dominant society. An intelligent, confident, vocal black man is just as scary as an angry one.

Consider, too, the nonverbal expectations that whites place on blacks. To be accepted in predominantly white spaces, a black person will fare much better if they are quiet, conservative in appearance, and smile a lot. This “code switching” behavior is modeled for, and taught to, all black people in the US, from birth, and so it is seen as “normal,” yet it is not the norm in black-dominant societies.

All of this sounds a lot like leftover expectations from the not-so-good old days, doesn’t it? 

Dog whistles and their ilk are damaging enough in mainstream society. But consider their impact in smaller communities, like the LS – a predominantly white space. The black community is disproportionately underrepresented in the LS, and its members are frequently fetishized by white women and couples. Black men, in particular, are commonly reduced to bucket list items or objects of pleasure, and are often seen through the lens of what they can offer, not who they are. Couples advertise that they are looking for “a BBC,” not “a black man with a big cock.”

Black bluefish are working against multiple negative perceptions: those that accompany being a black man, as already discussed, and those that go with being a bluefish, regardless of race. Insecurity is rampant in the LS, and bluefish are already handled with extreme caution, generally perceived at least as a slight threat to couples, most often by the man in a couple. A different dick is always risky; it could steal away a wife, ruin a marriage, or provide more pleasure to her than her partner’s. That’s some scary stuff. Now give that bluefish dark skin, confidence, and a big cock, and he just became exponentially more scary. He may very well now be viewed as a necessary threat to be managed, not a whole human with whom to collaborate or celebrate. 

Finally, combine this white male fear with generations of ingrained (often unconscious) dehumanization, and sprinkle in some of the dog whistles mentioned. When you are already seen as subhuman, or a pleasure tool, and you become labeled as dangerous, people will be reluctant to look deeper into your humanity. It is far easier, and requires far less uncomfortable introspection, to replace a problematic BBC with another, more docile, less threatening BBC. 

I was recently banned from a LS group because one of my partners (a black man) questioned why another black man was being publicly named and shamed for violating a group rule about messaging/friend requesting without public consent. Yes, I know there are very strong opinions for and against, and it’s a dead horse that has been beaten beyond recognition, but that actually isn’t the issue. The Name and Shame post was a screenshot of this man’s personal profile, an explanation of the rule violated, and the phrase admonishing, verbatim, “Don’t be an (insert his name here).” Tacky? For sure. Juvenile? I thought so. But where I really took issue: dangerous.

My partner made several comments on the post. He was not questioning the consequences being levied (being banned from the group); rule breakers should receive agreed-upon appropriate consequences. He was questioning the idea of adding “naming and shaming” as a consequence, and asking whether all those who violated rules would be treated the same. He questioned the motive of public ridicule and branding of a man who could no longer see the post. My partner was subsequently banned himself, and then called “hostile” by the (white, male) admin, for requesting clarification of, and politely disagreeing with, his ban (screenshots exist). I then received a 30 day temporary ban for commenting that rule-breakers should be banned, but I was wanting to know whether this Name and Shame punishment would be applying to ALL rule-breakers, because despite the group existing for a few weeks, this was the first time it had happened. When I questioned my own ban, I was told it was for stirring drama, and for associating with my boyfriend.

Funny, neither myself nor my partner were named and shamed in the group for OUR rule violations. And at least one white man, who violated the same rule as the black man who was called out, has – to date – still not been named or shamed for his actions. One person was singled out, and that person was a well-known black bluefish. When another black bluefish questioned the actions of admin, he was labeled hostile, and banned. Coincidence? Maybe. But once you spot the pattern in the LS, and in certain groups, it’s really hard to unsee it.

I pointed out to the admin that his actions gave the appearance of being racially biased, and were being perceived as such by the black community. I did not call him a racist, but he immediately took offense saying I labeled him both racist and a bully. He went on a tirade about having black partners and family members, and everything he had done for the black community. I explained to him that again, I was not labeling him racist, only pointing out appearances, and that perception is what matters, regardless of intent. I told him that those who truly have the best interest of the black community at heart would not be defensive when told their actions might be perceived as racist. We can consider ourselves allies and still unknowingly behave in ways that are harmful to those we strive to support. He claimed he didn’t know the man he shamed was black (despite him being a very well-known, OG, black bluefish, with a black-sounding name, who posts regularly about black issues), and wished me the day I deserve.

A perhaps-not coincidental side note: my partner had already been denied membership in a sister group, after being labeled “aggressive,” “pushy,” and “unsafe,” by the admins – a white couple who do not know him. These accusations were based on the words of a nameless accuser stating that he behaved in these ways at one of the group’s parties. When he politely pointed out that he had NEVER ATTENDED any of this group’s parties, the admins didn’t care. I was also subsequently shunned from the group by proxy, despite having zero dealings with the couple.

I have been with my boyfriend for a year. My husband has known him for that long as well. We, and anyone who knows him, know him to be respectful, kind, and courteous. Unconventional? Yes – he is not from the US originally. He was not raised in a country where black people are taught from birth how to make themselves more palatable to the white majority. Regardless of his true character, these slanderous dog whistle words are now out there, attached to him, and are producing their predictable ripple effects.

IDGAF about those groups or being booted from them. People who know me, know my character. There are plenty of other LS groups with admins that are welcoming, willing to engage in constructive discourse, and whose vision aligns with my own. But this situation ripped the scab off a wound that, for my partners and those who look like them, never heals. As someone who loves them I can’t, in good conscience, stay silent.

Please be mindful of the words you use when describing or labeling those with less power than you. For white people, this is all other races. For men, this is all other genders. For heteros, this is all other sexualities. Be aware of the weight words can carry in the larger picture. Does the word that comes to mind cater to inflammatory stereotypes? Why is it the first word that comes to your mind? Does it perhaps indicate biases you may not know you have? Is it a word that has been used to oppress, belittle, devalue, dehumanize? Will it perpetuate harm upon the person it is used against? Will it stay with them like a scarlet letter?

Think twice before speaking or judging, and be on a mission of understanding, not victory at any cost. 

The LS is supposed to be a place of open minds and acceptance. We all could use a reminder, now and again, to check ourselves. We all have opportunities to be better.

The Great DM Debate Solved? (Compromise)

Sitting at my computer with a burnt finger from grabbing a spoon, so absent mindedly left on our hot stove. Feeling slightly stressed, anxious and, a bit stoned. Flicking through Facebook, thinking back on the week that was.

There was an incident early last week which caused my intentions to be questioned due to an ill-timed “inside”, that had a punch line really only known by a few. If you knew that the humor in the situation was more picking on myself than any group of people, you might just have chuckled along too.

Nonetheless, it was in poor taste. Occasionally, comedy misses the mark and leaves a bad taste. But, I know, this is only the beginning of opening up to a community I should have been a part of far longer than you could even comprehend.

Continuing to scroll I come to yet ANOTHER posts about, “unsolicited DM’s”.

If you’re in the LS these days, we know so much happens through Facebook. It brings the community to your home. You are always connected. Part of something. One of us.

The first time a bluefish makes his way into a group like this, they are like a kid in a candy store!

Settle down, brother. There is etiquette. It has to be difficult for a single guy in a community like this. Even more difficult is the male following a divorce within the community. Something I hope to never face, but can’t help feeling sadness for the way some relationships go south so quickly. We have stood on that edge ourselves, but somehow always pull each other back and hold on dearly to what we have created.

The Unicorn. Pretty much the polar opposite of the bluefish. She can nearly do no wrong in the eyes of these great gatekeepers of the Lifestyle community. Her word is bond. She may suggest the very same notion the single guy or in my case the polyamorous married one, and yet, the guy is the one who still gets banned from a group and labeled as unsafe.

Cringing at the whole situation, my thumbs are tense. Eagerly wanting to again voice my opinion on the “Nanny State” culture we are being forced to accept by some, simply to maintain being a part of the community.

Everyone is watching everyone else. Everyone sees who fails and who seems plentiful. It fuels jealousy, competition and hatred. Rumors spread like wildfire and an individuals reputation can be ripped to shreds in a click of a mouse.

These Facebook Groups do add value though. They are a necessary evil, as they bring us together. Allow us to build relationships and bonds. Family and friends at our fingertips.

Still staring at the post, trying to bite my tongue this time, not to engage in the same winless debate. Everyone just looks like an asshole in the end.

Instead, I pause.

It is time for a new tactic. None of us are getting anywhere with this argument and it is causing a break in a beautiful community.

My thoughts go to, why some feel it is so necessary to guard their inbox so fiercely?

There are some who equate an unsolicited message to rape or child molestation. This is a disgusting slap in the face to those who have actually faced these traumas.

At first, I think they are whiny brats who maybe weren’t hugged enough or something, but we’ve all had traumas. My frustrations are replaced with sympathy and sadness for whatever it is that caused some to feel so unsafe they aren’t able to deal with a random DM.

Scrolling past the message without even a like or comment several times, I ponder what could be done to help those feel safe without causing those who don’t share the same concerns to continue to feel free to message how they see fit.

Respecting something because it works for some, while still not agreeing with the way it is handled for all, is completely valid.

Many of us value our privacy. It is that simple. Of course, there will always be those who are rude and do not follow common decency. But there has to be a way that we can handle it in a less invasive manner.

I’m still unsure how sending a picture of your cock as an opening line is the best thing you could come up with. You actually think you have the magical penis she has been missing out on all these years? Does it at least come with tacos? Something about women and their tacos.

Besides the few bad apples, who may be easily weeded out, most of us have the best of intentions. We are hoping for connections and exciting experiences.

So how is COMPOMISE achieved?

My proposal could be used as a universal rule in just about all the groups. It will clearly let others know if your DMs are open to any who dare to enter, or closed, preferring others to ask in open forum for permission to send a message.

It would have to be something like a symbol everyone could see so it is very clear. This would give the choice to the individual and not the admins, who have far better things to do than hold our hands about using our private messages.

We all have a main profile page. It’s like your profile home page. What if there was a symbol system, we could use to let everyone know our personal preference?

Below you will see how you can add a mailbox emoji to your main page. We could each put up our preferred inbox.

If you place an open mailbox📭, this means you don’t mind others sending messages without prior approval and opt to handle your messages as you see fit. If you place the closed mailbox📪, you have expressed that prior approval is being requested before sending messages.

To do this for your own Facebook Profile, it is simple! Follow the directions below!

Start by switching to your main profile page, as shown here.

Click the button circled in red that says, “Edit profile”.

Once at the edit profile page, scroll down to, “Bio”.

Click on, “Edit Bio”.

This will bring you to a screen like the one shown next. You can fill this in with anything you would like. Including Emojis!📪📭

Locate the emoji, needed. In this case either the open mailbox 📭 or the closed mailbox 📪 Choose which suits your profile best and add it. This will allow anyone who is in the know to clearly see how you prefer your DMs to be handled.

An Open mailbox if you don’t mind random messages.

A closed mailbox for those who would prefer public approval.

Do not forget to save your work!

This will hopefully cut down on the weekly battles. Everyone is able to choose their preference. It makes it clear to everyone else. It will also make it very clear who has difficulty with boundaries. Admins do not get paid. They are not policing every moment and really have likely far better things to do with their time. With this in place, an admin may simply let anyone joining these groups know that it is their responsibility to set their preference.

If this catches on, it could alleviate one of the most common arguments we are currently have in these groups.

This community is welcoming, but lately the flood gates have opened. It seems many are somehow stumbling upon this world with no real insight, and they demand it is adjusted to fit their personal belief system what they should do is, observe and learn from others who have already been around for a long time. There is space for everyone to swing as they choose. We realize everyone is not at the same level. There is nothing wrong with having your own beliefs and boundaries, but when you force others to change theirs simply to suit you, then you cause nothing but drama which you all claim to not be a part of.

We hope this helps ease some tensions. We prefer to help the community we love rather that battle over it. These are not gangs. Some will be firm in their stance and that is ok. Perhaps they can create a no contact community, where they send memes and emojis in a forum style chat all day and never actually open themselves to direct interaction. That kind of group would also alleviate the need for the “Rule”.

Admins, we appreciate what you do, for the most part. There are some of you who run your group like a tyrannical fascist dictator, whilst calling those who are truly accepting of all, a bigot, or “privileged” based on little but the knowledge of their skin color and assumed gender. These people should be challenged for their hypocrisies.

We now have men being put on display in groups for simply sending a message. This creates so much unnecessary drama. There are also situations with men being slandered for not being able to perform or a couple not handling a situation perfectly attacked with screen shots of their pictures or conversations. It’s disgusting.

As Mizzy Bender so perfectly said it in her morning talk, “Do Better”!

Check out that conversation in the link below, that was perfectly timed with the quarrels we’ve been seeing locally. Be sure to check out her website, including the Mizzy Bender Shows, and Mind Bender Parties. Seems like an amazing amount of entertainment, and to us, an inspiration in the community!

If you have suggestions, or there are other things in the Lifestyle Community you are unhappy with, please share those thoughts with us. Perhaps we will address other issues in the future.

Recording and editing for the podcast is still underway. With our busy schedule, there is only time to work on it briefly, but “So Authentic” the podcast will be released this year as promised! If you have a unique story of a how you live Authentic, please share it with us. It does not have to be necessarily in the world of non-monogamy. If you have a business that in some way helps the community, then please share that as well!

We all want to be a part of this amazing thing we’ve found. Let’s all find ways to not only safely grow, but better our community. Be kind to each other. For those of you who are new to the community, perhaps observe a bit? There are many who are showing up, thinking it’s a sex fest free for all. There is etiquette. Give more than you take. Remember, this is about living freely non-monogamous. If you just came to party with naked women, you could simply go to a strip club. You do not belong at an LS party.

Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you so much for reading! Have a sexy ass weekend!

National Swingers Weekend 2021

Boobs, banners, body tape, and a whole lot-a booty! This long-awaited trip to “Sin City” was finally upon us! We aren’t talking about Vegas!

In an unsuspecting lakeside hotel/resort, right in the heart of the US of A, at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri! For us, a short three-hour road trip away from the suburbs, through country roads, farmland and forest to Osage Beach, MO.

“They said, “yes”, when everyone else said, “no”!”

This message was relayed to us just days prior to the adventure that would end up being a highlight of our summer in 2021.

So much anticipation was built in the weeks, no, months leading up to the trip. We dodged illnesses from our kids, determined not to allow a cold or worse destroy our chance to get away, four whole days! It is a rare occurrence that Lily and I can get an overnight, let alone a long weekend, but here we were, on the precipice of a weekend that would surely leave us with stories for the ages.

Once again with one of our favorite Midwest party squads, LifeinStyle STL! Rockin’ out with all the panda sluts and lots of hot sexy libertines ready to party like it was spring break Daytona Beach in the 90s!

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, as we describe our point of view of just the first day of this adventure packed weekend.

Upon arrival, we stepped through the doors and were greeted by a gentleman who always seemed delighted to see us. He held the door as we passed into a world most will never see. A world where people are free to explore their sexuality without ridicule. A place where you are encouraged to be open to all your wildest desires and lustful intentions. Surrounded by like-minded individuals from some 20 different states, with no children asking for orange juice or fighting us at bedtime. Just Lily and I, determined to reconnect and let loose!

Passing through the lobby, we came upon a table filled with what appeared to be various rolls of tape. Every color and pattern you can think of! Next to the dispensers were binders filled with photos of beautiful women with amazing artistically designed bikinis and dazzling intricate outfits all created using the tape.

Johnny Mack spent hours creating masterful designs on many of the couples who were there that weekend. He did get his own party time in as well! All the way in from Vegas, Johnny Mack with Sinful Designs Body Art was quite the sticky sensation.

To the right of their booth, there was a short set of stairs, to the left, a ramp. We failed to notice the ramp when carrying in our luggage. Also, did not make use of several carts they had available, but that’s not the important stuff.

We headed toward the stairs and into a warm welcoming from Vinny and Sabinne. If you’ve read previous entries, you may recall them. They are the creators and visionaries behind these extravagant events put on by LifeinStyle. They never fail to bring the party and extravagance to their attendees.

Have a look back at our first swingers party ever, LifeinSTyle Hotel Takeover Part 1

Vinny approached me carrying a super soaker. Pointing it as if he were Tony Montana. He offered shots to us both, which Lily declined with a giggle, but I was happy to oblige and get the party underway! He pulled the trigger on the gun and fired a stream of some sort of vodka mix into my mouth, though most went down my shirt. It was the perfect start to the kind of weekend we were about to be a part of.

We continued down the short flight of stairs to a table where we were handed t-shirts, some stickers, and a wristband we were to wear the entire weekend. We were warned not to lose them. The shirts looked great but were a bit on the small side which they did warn us about. Though, perhaps the guy handing out the shirts should have been in charge of the wrist bands. He handed Lily a medium stating that if it were too small, she could exchange it. Of course, she was lucky to get one boob in the shirt, but surrounded by some of the sexiest people we have seen in the Midwest, there was no way she was going through the awkwardness of returning it. A good souvenir at least.

After receiving our goodies, we headed over to the hotel check-in desk where we received our room number, 142. . A short elevator ride down leading to a long walkway down the hall in the back of the hotel. Far from the party floor.

It wasn’t all bad though. We had a beautiful view of the lake from our balcony. Plus, staying off the party floor, allowed us to have a bit of quiet, which at times was needed. I know we sound like a couple of old people. Well, we’re not in our twenties anymore. That is for sure!

The hotel layout took a bit to learn. When we walked into the lobby, instead of being the first floor, we were actually on the 4th floor. That was the main floor of the hotel where you’d find the lobby, restaurant and bar. We would have to get in the elevator and go down to our floor on one. Our floor was still busy however as the hot tub was just down the hall, as well as the exit that led to a mountain of stairs down to the pool area. The pool deck was complete with full bar, ran by a dude named, Flint. The same bar that, while originally writing this at breakfast our first morning there, I realized my debit card was left at.

All settled in our room.

Once we situated our room, it was time to find out where everyone was hanging out.  We were a bit nervous, knowing the caliber of sexy attendees we had seen already getting wild throughout the resort.

We hadn’t eaten since we had arrived at the hotel around 4pm, after getting settled, it was nearly dinner time. We agreed we would get food later, since it seemed everyone had already gone down to the pool, and we wanted to get the weekend started! We stopped off to grab a drink at the hotel bar, attempting to stick the request of patronizing the bars throughout the hotel more than the cooler full of beverages in our room. At least in the beginning.

We sat, had our drinks and discussed our hopes for the weekend. There was still so much to come and not even close to the final number of attendees had arrived. Many did not even join the party until Friday. At least one couple we met the last night, near the elevator, had come only for the final party. Which we ended up missing, funny enough. We will circle back to why that happened later.   

We wanted to go to the pool, but there was a “Room Crawl” to begin shortly, and we did not want to miss out. Going into it on an empty stomach was concerning, but we had very little time to get anything. We made a quick stop back at the room. Fortunately, we brought some room snacks. While not the most satisfying, we filled up a little on chips and beef jerky Then filled our tumblers and made our way to meet friends.


The Room Crawl, I badly wanted to be a part of, but had my hopes squashed quickly when Lily showed me our budget and how little time we had to prepare. It was fun meandering from room to room. There were several fun couples who decorated their spaces and really had some creative ideas!

Room #1 Seven Deadly Sins

The first room was by a couple we have met several times. They are always so friendly and both extremely sexy. Their room had an eeriness about it with the theme of “Seven Deadly Sins”. Many of these sins we would indulge in over the four days.

Their decorations were awesome! They went all out with skeletons, red lightening throughout the room, and fake rats. They offered airplane bottles of alcohol as shots. I grabbed a mini bottle of Jack. Lily passed as she was carrying her white claw still.

Room #2 The Champagne Suite  

A couple we just met created a fun, relaxed, and chill environment. The beds were covered with soft, fuzzy blankets and the room had a lounge vibe to it. The blue lighting gave it a cool feel and the seemingly endless bottles of champagne gave a touch of class and elegance.

They created a fun little drinking game as well.

A basket filled with numbered ping pong balls in an array of colors glowed from backlights in the room. You had to shoot the ball into a garbage can. I can’t completely recall all the rules. I won though!

They also had this cool Champagne gun. I’d never seen something like it. The bottle loads on top like a ammunition clip. Then the gun is pointed toward a thirsty mouth, trigger pulled and a stream of bubbly is shot down the hatch! Fastest way to consume Champagne I’ve seen! We had a lot of fun in this room!

Room #3

Stepping into the hall we scooted on towards the next room. A table lined the wall in the hallway. A Jager machine sat on the table with stacks of small plastic shot glasses stacked in front. We congregated in the hall to chat for a bit while we did shots then funneled into the room where the hosts had a fun toy to show off!

The motor bunny!

With several speeds and attachments, this little heavenly toy can give women the ride of their life. We did not get the chance to see it in action. I don’t think any of the women we were walking with were quite drunk enough yet for something of that caliber of exhibitionisms. We thank them for our drinks and continued on.

Room #4 Sweet’s Suite

I honestly don’t recall the order, but this next room was occupied by an all-natural blonde bombshell with great big….



Hubby and she were dressed in hospital attire. This doctor/nurse combo was a fun couple to meet. Producer/Performer, Lisey Sweet and Mr. Sweet had created a fun little game of spin-to-win. The wheel stood on the table and tubes of shots awaited the outcome of the spin. A lucky participant would spin the wheel and take a shot from whatever part of Nurse Lisey the wheel landed on. My spin turned lucky when it landed on mouth! With high hopes of some deep tongue action, I stepped up, but she let the shot go once my mouth was on it. Awkwardly lingering too long probably, but I was feeling a buzz at this point.

On instagram @theliseysweet

Room #5 Taste of Mexico – The Swinging Sancho’s

The final room we saw was an homage to Mexico. The sexy couple who hosted this mini south of the border excursion, we had seen in quite a few posts in Facebook groups we are a part of, but don’t think we had ever met them in person until this event. Hubby wore a large sombrero and wifey was offering tequila. They were running out to checkout rooms for themselves, so we did not stay long. They have since created a pretty cool line of swinger jewelry you may want to check out!

Following the room crawl and feeling nicely buzzed, we finally made our way down to the pool. Now, when I say, “made our way down”, I mean


As in a wooden staircase that seemed to go on forever. The walk down wasn’t as awful as the return.

Once at the bottom of this mountain, we joined all the party people, both in and out of the pool. Across the pool built into the side of the hill was a bar that ran perpendicular to the hotel, with a walkway that continues down to the boat launch.

Many had already been drinking most of the day by this time and most women were topless, if not completely nude.

Still trying to drink from the hotel bars, we got ourselves another beverage. The bartender bore a striking resemblance to, Mike from Breaking bad and Better Call Saul. Later. We came to find out that he was an actor in his own right, having been in several tv shows and movies with bit parts and guest appearances here and there. Working the bar was his summer job. He did well for being on his own all weekend with a crazy group like us.

We took our drinks to the railing that overlooked the boat docks and out into the lake. The weather was perfect. The sun began to fall in the sky, creating a golden glittery hue to the water’s surface that stretched from one end of the lake to the other. 

Feeling the freedom of the moment I pulled out my one hitter and packed some delicious bud. Taking a couple hits as Lily slipped off her top, took a few selfies, then sauntered on towards the pool.

Most had drinks of their own stash or tumblers adorn with various décor of stickers or wristbands from other saucy adventures, filled with whatever concoction they came up with for the evening.

We slipped off our sandals and Lily lead the way as she gracefully glided into the pool and waded out a bit into the sexy gathering. There were a few familiar faces, and we met some new ones but overall, not a whole lot of people we knew well. Music was playing to keep the party vibe up. There was a buzz in the air as the weekend’s magic began to reveal itself. Greeting new friends with deep kisses became fairly normal. This was only a mild precursor to what was to come.

We spent about an hour or so at the pool as we mingled and took in the atmosphere. Every so often dodging a sexy blow-up doll, who had some adventures in her own right that weekend.  

Eventually we all began the trek back up the colossal climb. Getting out of the pool I realized someone had the exact same flip flops as me and they were right next to each other. They were even the same size. I tried to figure it out, but in the end, just threw on a pair and made my way out. So, my guy, in case you’re reading this, you may have swapped something other than your wife that weekend. Though, I guess swapping is what it was all about.

Still nursing a nice buzz made the task of hiking back somewhat bearable. Though we still made a few stops along the way as I puffed on a pre-rolled joint I picked up from a local dispensary before the trip.

Not wanting to end the evening, we stopped at the hot tub and joined a few other couples in the extra-large spa.

Something about booze and pools that makes people hot and always brings on naught escapades. Lily and I were putting on a little show as kissing turned into lustful thrusting rather quickly. We ended up entangled with a few others in the jacuzzi. Our tongues, fingers, and hands stayed busy as we explored new bodies without even exchanging names at first. Lily was kissing women and men as she obviously was feeling daring.

We eventually came up for air as more couples joined the water. One such couple we met boasted their own Lifestyle Clothing line.

These two from T.U.G.S. Nation were a hot pair! They talked about their brand with such passion. It amazed me how all these couples had found a way to make a business out of the fun part of their life. They basically travel the country from party to party selling their merchandise. It was a fascinating and inspiring.

Love my TUGS Nation hat!🍍🍍

Their motto was, “If you know, you know.”

At least that was mentioned a few times. Honestly, I believe these days many people know what the pineapple means. Though their design is a grenade with a pineapple feel to it, there is still a pretty obvious message. I had to get one of their hats. We admire their love of law enforcement, first responders and military.

I wear my T.U.G.S Nation hat all around town any chance I get, wondering if others are in the know. So far I’ve had no one comment.

Check out all they have to offer at

With the night drawing to a close and much more to come, it was time to head back to our room for some sleep.

What an amazing first night! Still unsure on how we made it through and woke up in time for breakfast. That’s when we realized that I never closed the tab at poolside bar! One night and already left my debit card behind! I was able to retrieve it.

The wristband we were given, and told not to remove, was torn and tattered, nearly coming off my wrist. Sabine stopped to say good morning. Seeing the sad condition of the wristband, she promptly cut it off and replaced it! The weekend had just begun.

Didn’t make it 24hrs

The next three days were filled with everything from dancing to naughty escapades, some relaxation and even baby oil wrestling! My original intent in writing this was to take you through the entire weekend, but it’s probably best I don’t. If you can, we highly encourage you to experience it yourself! They have already started selling tickets and rooms! You can check for yourself at . They have their St. Patrick’s day party coming up very soon! I had really wanted to go, but our lives have been pretty busy lately.

Submitted by Panda Sluts 🐼

From the live acoustic set at the fancy dinner, by two amazing musicians, who are also swingers to the sexiness of the glow party, this event really had it all. We even became, accidently involved in a wild boating rescue adventure with a fun and sweet couple.

The sprawling playroom was not used nearly as much as one would have expectes, with the amount of people at the event. One thing we do notice at events with this group is the abundance of hot people who love to party and dance more than anything. While there is some live action play happening throughout, it is not the large open orgy one might think. Many form little groups and mainly party privately with those they planned to. Still others look for as much sex and play time as possible. Being the exhibitionist Lily and I are, we definitely made use of some of the playroom’s equipment.

As always, Lily and I enter these events with little expectation and if we end up having sex with only each other, that is perfectly fine for us. We could take in the sexiness around us and let it turn us on, causing us to ravish each other by the end of the evening and be completely content.

By the last night, we couldn’t even party anymore. Too much alcohol and not nearly enough sleep. We started to prepare for the final party, but instead ate a couple THC gummies and found ourselves giggling in the room together and wanting to simply share the last bits of time without the stresses of the real world. We packed up much of what we brought and looked through pictures we had taken. We discussed if we would do it again in 2022. Vinny told me he wanted me to work the event in 2022, but I am not sure, as it was so much fun to be part of the party!

Submitted by Panda Sluts🐼

As mentioned, we’ve started seeing many posts for National Swingers Weekend 2022. If you are going, don’t wait too long or you may miss out on the best rooms. Every year it seems to get bigger and bigger. We’d like to say we will be there, but family vacations are already set. We are not sure we can swing it this year! One can only imagine the possible shenanigans to be had!

Thank you so much for reading. If there are any questions, or requests of any kind, please feel free to reach out. Make sure you’re following our Instagram for the occasional mini blog.

We would say, follow our Facebook as well, but they keep locking us down with their silly rules!

Most of all, follow us here for future posts!

We are a little behind with our Podcast, but it will be coming! Even better, Lily has agreed to be my co-host! We are so excited to get things underway!

Submitted by Panda Sluts 🐼

Navigating the Unknown

“Do not feed your fears and insecurities, they will consume you”

Another Tuesday as we crawl into the New Year through what feels like the longest January in history. Bar parties and small gatherings. Huddling together for warmth.

A year into this world of polyamory and still years behind understanding. The emotional aspect tends to take away from the all-out sexually excitement swinging once brought us. The days of timid party newbies eager for that perfect swap are behind us. We experience more on our own, while our adventures together seem to fall by the side. The love is still there, but with so many solo situations it’s a struggle sometimes to feel more than a placeholder in someone’s pool of options. Never first, never last. Simply waiting for your next opportunity together. Often feeling like roommates who happen to raise children together. Cancelations and reschedules are the norm lately with everyone catching the extremely contagious omicron.

Somedays, supporting each other’s growing and developing relationships comes easier than others. Swinging was always simple. When the music stopped and the party was over, we returned to each other. Now a continuous light is left on that is not shared between us. The focus turns to learning the patterns of other people and trying to navigate the difficulties we encounter in those connections. For instance, running into vanilla friends while on a date and failing to realize that they probably won’t suspect a thing if you just act normal. Two people can have a meal together and not necessarily be more than acquaintances. Otherwise, not feeling ashamed that “basic” society may not understand. A nagging concern that you are doing something wrong.

It has been a challenge to overcome what we have been programmed to believe about relationships and at times can be downright frightening. What if they are right? What if this doesn’t work? Are we simply playing with fire and going down a path that has no happy outcome? Still, we push forward developing whatever this thing may become. Stiving to one day strip ourselves of the guilt and for once walk our own path with unbreakable confidence.

It’s kind of surreal to have multiple people love you and yet at times feel so alone and grasping for more. Whether in your head or reality, the mind constantly struggles to keep things in control where control is impossible. Acceptance of what is and letting go of what was seems to be the best solution thought not the easiest.

It is not easy to move forward with this lifestyle without thinking of the future. Instead, we simply focusing on the present. Moment to moment feels right most times until the doubt creeps its way back in.

Winter for most of us brings on seasonal depression. Compound that with the darkness already present and we find these relationships leave us feeling like outsiders to those we have always counted on to be a beacon of comfort.

Today it will be 26 degrees. Cold as the heart of a scorned lover, cursed with mistrust and trauma. There is no advice that may be given. We don’t know what lies ahead. Awareness of all the life lost around us is a wakeup call to either go for it all or hold on to what we have already built.

Thank you for listening to my mind’s swirls of doubt and frustration. There is no need to hide behind a smile or false reality. Things are not always perfect, but each moment we have a chance to give our all and hope to show up for the world and our partners in the best form possible. Try to forgive, try to nourish hopes and follow dreams. As long as our intentions are pure, then our actions will hopefully match.

What are issues you’ve run into as swingers or any form of ethical non-monagomy you may be involved in? What helped you overcome your fears and doubts? Mental health has such power over us and how we react to outside elements. How are you handling things these days? Please share a thought or words of encouragement if you can. Or if you are facing battles that could use the wisdom of others, please share that as well. Building a community of likeminded people gives some sense of relief knowing we are not completely isolated and alone.

Still working out some details on the podcast, and a lot has been pushed back due to constant scheduling changes. Also, the long-awaited review of National Swingers Weekend 2021 is nearly complete. Hopefully it will be complete before NSW 2022 is upon us. It seems the party planning for this year’s event is already underway and if you plan to go, tickets are now available. Head to, for the latest. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and all our social media outlets.

Be kind to eachother and yourselves.

Taking the Plunge

These fantasies can be overpowering. They consume your thoughts throughout the day and fuel your passion into the evening. The only release seems to be the momentary comfort from your next mind blowing orgasm that’s been built up from all the images, but even that is fleeting and you find yourself right back where you started.

Researching the reality of this world, you hope to push your relationship into, but all the fears and beliefs you were raised on weigh heavy on you, causing an internal battle between lust and morals. The more you read, learn and process, the more comfort you find in knowing you are not alone. However, your religious beliefs or simple family expectations, may make it a struggle to let go and enjoy the moment. Those who are able to overcome this find themselves a freedom few will come to know.

Cuckolding and hotwife stories were always such a turn on for me. It’s kind of where it all began. Late nights were spent at my family computer, as a teen with raging hormones, consuming story after story. We had a giant old dot matrix printer that I would print my favorites. These typically included stories about cheating, hotwifing, gangbangs, and cuckolding. Still to this day, my go to stories involve a spouse or girlfriend so lost in lust, she gives little thought to her man watching her be used. Hearing her moan in ways he never could make her. She transforms into a primal slut ready to pleasure any man who might need release. Any man but him. There’s a look of sorrow in her eyes, knowing how wrong it all seems, but with each thrust, the concern is only on the pleasure she is receiving.

Swinging by sharing partners is one thing, but having the courage to allow your spouse the freedom to experience pleasure in every imaginable way can be extremely gratifying. Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting one such couple. New to the lifestyle but gaining steam by plunging right in the deep end. Dustin and Leslie were introduced to me by a friend. They have done a complete 180 in their marriage dynamic, going from pure to pornographic in a very short time, with no signs of slowing down.

Dustin has put together a guest post, which tells of how they came to find this world of salacious behaviors in an effort to reclaim their sex life.

They can be followed on twitter @showmeswing and @AEll812

Guest Post by Dustin

Yesterday as I was searching for collars to buy my wife with the words “Hotwife” or “Slut” on them, I had a how-in-the-world-did-we-get-here moment. Then about two hours later I was sitting across a bar table from a new bull for my wife when he asked me to explain how we got into the lifestyle, and again I was faced with the question of how we got here. Racking my brain, I had to go all the way back to a conversation I had with my great-grandpa on his deathbed. I asked him what he would do differently if he had a second chance. Being a religious man, I thought he would say that he should have been a missionary or something really noble. But he didn’t. He said he would have made sure his wife had a better life. They were farmers who worked incredibly hard their whole lives. He hadn’t mistreated her, he just didn’t make her enjoyment a priority. I left that room on a mission to make my wife’s life better, to give her experiences and joys in this world. I booked a trip to Vegas shortly after that. I didn’t know what else to do. (My wife said she wishes I had picked housework). The second part of this impetus was my growing addiction to pornography, particularly cuckolding.

This fascination with sharing my wife, coupled with my frustration of not having much sex in my marriage, led me to searching for help just a few months ago. The Twitter wormhole brought me to some swingers who recommended a sex therapist. Well, to say this lady was a miracle worker would be too inadequate. My wife had been a staunchly religious, rule-following, prudish, great woman. She was my best friend, partner, therapist, and boon companion, always positive and encouraging and trustworthy – darn near perfect excluding the bedroom. But in the bedroom, she was pretty cold. She just had trouble letting go of a spirit of religiosity and the feeling that everything good must be bad. More on that some other time perhaps, but the short of it was that I felt like I had a Porsche with no keys. Within weeks, my good Christian wife (who still loves Jesus, btw) was liberated from the evil spirit of religiosity and what erupted from within was 44 years of suppressed desires and suffocated fantasies. What we have now is a glorious amalgamation of all of the good parts of her old self (sweetness, forgiveness, patience, trustworthiness, integrity) and this unshackled, raw, passionate self. She went from Puritan to Porn Star in two months. And, no, I won’t give you the name of the therapist, lol.

Moments before Leslie’s first gangbang

I know many readers will say that this is too sudden to stick, or that we will crash and burn. Maybe. But I can see your wager, and I’ll raise you a nickel that we actually have a smashing good time despite some bumps. We are consummating our marriage for the first time really. We’re not virgins, yet we have just now “known” each other because our hearts are exposed for each other — all of them, including the secrets and most vulnerable parts. My secret sins have been brought into the light and I’ve been forgiven by her. Because we’re connecting and all the parts of me are being satisfied, my porn consumption has plummeted. (Who needs porn when you’re making porn?) And I’m finally able to love all of her, because I actually know her now. Half of her pieces were missing from the puzzle, and although we never get the complete picture because it keeps changing, I know more of her now and I really, really, really like it!

As it stands, we are attempting to swing some (which hasn’t gone well) but mostly my wife has been hotwifing. Turns out it’s much easier to find a guy to have sex with a beautiful woman than it is to find a woman to have sex with a man that looks like he ate himself forty pounds ago. Who knew?

I want you to know that this process has not all gone smashingly here in the beginning. There were nights I did not handle things well when I found out other guys got something I had been waiting for for 25 years. And then there were all the insecurities that came out: “You never made that sound with me;” “Hey, can you not text him while I’m trying to talk to you?” and “Three hours, really? What happened to ‘getting sore’ after 30 minutes?” From my wife’s perspective, she’s wrestling with her spiritual schema, her self-exploration, which is emotional, her role as mother to aging teens, her fun-to-responsibilities balance, and her insecure and paranoid husband. Considering everything, she has done an amazing job!

She convinced me that no one is going to steal her heart. Convincing a paranoid person of anything is nearly impossible, so I’m sure she’ll have to do that many times. My goal was to bless her with great experiences, not steal all the fun by barraging her with 30 questions when she gets home from a rendezvous, and then pouting afterwards. I’d like to think those nights are behind us, but I have a feeling they aren’t. In the lifestyle people will often say, “Don’t get into this to fix your marriage.” I totally understand why that’s true. This has been testing on many parts of our relationship — things like openness, transparency, communication, bonding, trust, compromise, and others. Thankfully, those bits were strong. It was the sex we needed help with and although our radically improved sex life hasn’t “fixed our marriage,” it sure as hell helped.

Sometimes I question how this all ends at our current trajectory, but I know we’re happier than we’ve ever been, more bonded, more in love, more hopeful, more free, more forgiving and inclusive, more ourselves, and more likely to handle bumps in the road. We actually have a little momentum for the bumps, I think. This has been our experience so far. We have much to learn. In closing, I want to lay out an argument for spouse sharing and it’s this: I don’t want to get to the end of my life and wonder if my sweetheart, my bride, my partner and lover had a good life. In one sense we’re all in charge of our own happiness, but in the real world, a spouse has a great deal of influence over our happiness, and I’m likely the only one she’ll ever have. So, I need to facilitate experiences, encourage her to be her true self, and even give her the freedom to live out her desires because I love her. I will fail many times. I also need to remind myself daily that her happiness is more important than my pride and that her love for me is unwavering. If I can remember those things, and we can communicate and grow, then I think we have decent odds at doing smashingly.

Times They Are A-Changin

Do you ever get stuck feeling ashamed of the life you have chosen? Many of us were taught to find that one true love. We were told there is this mystical person out there who will fit perfectly, meet our every need, and be our soul mate. If you are a woman, HE will be your prince charming. He will sweep you off your feet and swoon you into a life of “happily ever afters” . If you’re a man, SHE will be your perfect dream girl, your queen and sex goddess. She will tend to your every need and you will live in bliss!

Well, we have decided these lessons were all a bunch of bullshit. Passed down from generation to generation. Stemming from a puritanical society. The same society who would have us believe not only that we lack the capability to love more than one person at a time, but the ONE you choose must be of the opposite sex. These unspoken rules of relationships leave some afraid to ever look beyond the norm for fear of ridicule or being cast aside by those they believed to be friends and in some cases even family.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but an acquaintance once told me, “There’s no such thing as a bisexual man. They just haven’t been fucked by right one to turn them gay.”

Not knowing how to react to such ignorance, I simply laughed and moved on. The number of openly bisexual women in the LS community is staggering. It’s encouraged, supported and sought after by every couple and single.  Everyone is chasing their unicorn.

How do we help this community, who claims to be accepting of all to go further and actually be completely accepting of all?

One thing we can do is step out in the open and realize many of us are the same. I can not tell you the number of men I have met with in the community who says they are bi or at least curious but they don’t tell anyone for fear of what it could mean.

Sexuality is absolutely a spectrum! I have learned that this year. Recently, The Red Couch talks about this in their recent post about Bisexual Men in the Swingers Community

My journey this year followed a plan to revisit my interest in men. Muscular dominant men to be exact. Most of my current friends are unaware in my past I considered my self bi-curious, yet never pursued this interest. Besides a few adventurous nights in my youth, after about 2000, I had left this part of me in the rear view.

Growing up with three older brothers, the raw testosterone that coursed through our home, was fueled even more by my overbearing step-father doing his best to mold us in to fine strapping young men. Being the youngest out of us four allowed me to slack slightly on much of the hard labor, yet still reap some of the benefits. They’d hunt and fish. I’d eat well. They’d learn how to fix cars and clean guns. I got high and learned drums and guitar. I wrote songs, read plays, and was the hopeless romantic. While they played sports, chased girls, and got in fights.

Perhaps my status as baby of the house coupled with my brothers tendency to steal my food if I stepped away from the table even for a second, kept me a bit smaller than the rest of my siblings. Ranging from 5’11” to 6’2″ or maybe 6’3″ and built like lineman, with each of them having played such for our high-school football teams. The oldest went on to play football through college on a partial scholarship as a nose tackle.

They were your basic rough and tough guy jocks. I don’t know what kept me from following along like one more lemming, but I couldn’t be more different.  All my life I dreamed of being a Hollywood star. My style was always a bit eclectic, sporting wide leg JNCOs with long hair, thinking I looked like Kurt Cobain in my later high school days.(I did not) In Middle school I’d often emulate movie characters in the way I’d dress. Especially from mafia movies like The Godfather or Goodfellas. I’d show up in loafers, dress pants and a silk purple shirt with my hair slicked back like a real greaseball. Around my neck I wore a fake gold chain that went perfect with my gold ring, watch and bracelet. No wonder I started getting picked on more often.

A bit of a class clown is what kept some friends with me, cracking jokes like, “I’m not gay my boyfriend is” was par for the course.

This love for the music and the arts was passed down from my father who was a Theater teacher, as well as a performer in his own right. Even today he continues write and perform in plays and play music in a blues band all around the area. As a child I went to rehearsals and performances of his. Captivated by the sense of play, the fun of playing dress up and pretending really caught hold of me.

My parents were divorced when I was about 2 years old. My dad remarried twice as of today, but my first stepmother had a daughter who happened to be lesbian. We didn’t discuss it much, but I heard she married another woman and they both wore tuxedos. Although I also heard she was now divorced and married to a gay man or something. None of this ever seemed odd to me. Even with my rather conservative up bringing.

Of course my actions and behavior around others was very different. My brother’s could never know I was ok with someone being gay. Even one of our cousins, who never hid his sexuality for a second, They would treat like family to his face, but make awful comments if he were to be brought up when not around. It was difficult and looking back now, I am ashamed of my behavior and things I’ve said regarding the gay community. The jokes I made at their expense, often to just fit in are inexcusable. Not saying I’m flying the LBGTQ+ flag and getting all political about it. But the part that truly matters is allowing people to be with and love who ever they feel is right for them. People don’t marry or have relationships for a community. They do it for themselves. Connections make us feel whole. Personal happiness is just that, personal. As mentioned before, I am out of fucks! Running Out of Fucks

Recently, a post from our Instagram @Swingopenmo was inadvertently sent these three older brothers. There was no connection to us really and I was able to remove the post so the link would come back empty if they were to click on it. Still they could read the Instagram blurb that goes above the post. They made their jokes, but I played it off as it was someone else’s that was sent to me, and I then sent it to them in error. Whether they bought it or not the jury is still out, but I nearly pulled the mask off and just told them the truth. I keep asking myself, what difference does it make? No matter how they respond, we love who we are and do not intend to change. But we decided to just let it be.

Well, Today is National Coming Out Day after all. Lily is not entirely on board with the idea to be completely open just yet, but she is considering it. But today’s post is about me opening up to the LS community and beginning to be more honest with myself.

From a young age I was aware of my sexuality. Many nights I’d spend exploring my body. Often blurring the lines of gender in my mind.  I discovered rather quickly this spectrum of sexuality. Gay or straight never mattered much in my mind. To me, if the moment was hot and it turned me on, then I was likely to give it a try. We don’t always need labels. Things can be left to be whatever they are without categorizing.

As covered in the beginning in Retribution, we got into swinging while doing a lot of ecstasy in our late teens early twenties. Chris, who I’ve talked about before as one of my best childhood friends would share Lily off and on for a couple years. One night, Lily, Chris and I thought it’d be fun to shower together. We were still coming off rolling the night before, and our bodies were still craving to be touched. Although Lily was there for us to use as we pleased, our hands moved all over. Lily was very interested in all of us exploring each other. She was kissing him, he was kissing her, he was touching me and I was rubbing on him.  There were no lines drawn and no boundaries. We wanted to see what a double blow job would be like. Not having another girl was no issue. We simply took turns helping Lily suck. Allowing each to get a chance to feel what it was like. The whole experience was insanely erotic for us three. The warm shower dripping down on the three of us as we pleasured each other other without shame, guilt, or misunderstanding. Gender didn’t matter to me. The moment pulled me in, our hormones were through the roof.

Don’t worry, I am not asking you to go try it. If you are a “super straight”, then just equate it to two women and you’ll be fine.

I am fully aware that putting this out there, might cause some of you to distance yourself from me and that’s ok. Lily is still by my side and that is the most important thing to me. Not to mention my girlfriend and all the others who I have already opened up to.

Taking this year to explore what I felt may have been my bi-sexual side quickly turned to me realizing I am completely pansexual. I’ve had new adventures trying things I never realized I’d enjoy. Like a hot blonde with a strap on! Highly recommend. I’ve also had threesomes and foursomes where everyone was touching everyone. There were no awkward moments with someone shouting, “No Homo”. 

I had to ask myself, am I having a midlife crisis? Is this actually something I want to be doing? I could see no reason why not.

For those who are my friends and our friends, please note, I do not intend to try to fuck everyone. Consent is still a very real thing. If you haven’t heard, we did discuss that in a previous blog post. Consent is Everything

Coming out on National Coming Out day has been my plan all year. Thinking back, these feelings were sprinkled throughout my life even before Lily and Chris.

Flashes of my childhood flicker in my mind. At just 4 years old, in preschool we were all outside playing in the school yard, as children do. It was a beautiful day with very few clouds in the sky. It’s difficult to remember, but there was a blacktop parking lot that led to a play yard. The sprawling grounds of ragged weed infested grass, old tires half buried created a fun little obstacle course. Up a hill to the left stood a wooden playground with multiple layers and platforms. You know the kind. They have a high risk for leaving a child stuck with a irremovable splinter. The platforms created a bit of cover which was a perfect little hideout. This particular day, there seemed to be extra interest in the small hideaway as children gathered to see what was happening.

Seeing a few other children head in that direction, I too became curious not wanting to be the only one not part of whatever the excitement was all about. Looking into the the wooden covered bunker, a few girls were lying on their stomachs with their pants down leaving their naked butts out for all to see. They were giggling as a couple boys crawled down the line of girls, giving them a kiss on their “cheeks”.

Now, I don’t quite recall how I got involved, but I had a sudden urge to join them. Not as one of the boys though. I wanted to be one of the pretty girls. So I went to the far end to the left and laid face down ass up, like the rest of the girls. The boys played along without question, without ridicule.

Sometime during that same year, I slept over one of the boy’s houses. They lived in a double wide. His parents had set up and indoor tent for us, or perhaps it was an outdoor one, simply placed indoors. It’s never easy to visualize each moment from the eighties, but I do know, in that tent he and I played the same game we had on the playground at preschool.. Again, I pretended to be the pretty girl.

There were multiple times early in life I found myself having this urge to be more feminine. Not in a cross dressing drag queen way or anything. There was one time I tried on a dress my mother had on the drying line in the basement by the washer and dryer, but the thought to dress pretty never really occurred to me back then. Though I did sometimes envy girls clothing. They get all the cute accessories. Occasionally I’d wrap my blanket around me and pretend to be a girl. There were times I can recall wishing I would wake up as a girl, thinking my life would be much easier that way.

Perhaps it was seeing the power of women through my mother. She raised us on her own basically for about seven years of our lives. She’d stop at nothing to provide for us. They say men are the tougher gender, but the women around me were tough as nails and amazing providers. My mom has 4 sisters and 5 brothers. They grew up very poor. All of the women in this family are bad ass bitches who are also extremely motherly and caring. I understood the power of being a strong women more than most boys. At least I felt I did.

My point in bringing all this up is to give an understanding as to how long I hid this within me. The spectrum I discovered within myself has led to some of the most mind blowing orgasms ever. They have allowed me to be the assertive dominant male towards Lily and most woman and switch to the coy and timid submissive I enjoy being toward the right guy. I’ve even found a major attraction to many transwomen. I think mainly due to Tik Tok.

Had Lily and I not become swingers, I may never had explored this part of me. Being poly now has opened my mind to even considering finding a boyfriend. This is something I once asked if I could do with Chris, my high school friend. Back then, it was not something Lily was as open to though she never mind me playing with him. So I am currently taking applications. Really I am open to dating anyone I feel a bond with.

This decision was tough for Lily and I. She is afraid of the reaction from those we know in our local LS Community. Hopefully they will see we are the same couple. I am no different than the day before, you just know me a little better. Maybe understand me a bit more. It’s not wrong to share things and know about each other.

In the interest of National Coming Out, I have decided to add to the Swing Open world by coming out with my podcast in 2022! The ‘Unapologetic Podcast’ will be about living life on our terms without fear of what anyone around us thinks. Living to cherish the things that serve your happiness and let go of all the negative behaviors that hold us down.

If you have been following along there has been a bit of a theme this year leading up to me admitting to everyone, including myself about being Pansexual. This is something I believe has always been a part of me. Never until now did I feel safe to admit it. If you picked apart the references and innuendos then perhaps you already understood where we were going with all this. There are some who already know this about me and those I’ve told, to this point have been so amazing and supportive. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to those who are reading this and continue to support my writing. You are truly appreciated.

We will get back to more swingers things going forward, I have a post coming soon that will discuss some of the exploration Lily and I have done with cuckold play. Also the long awaited review from our kinky adventures at National Swingers Weekend 2021! We can’t wait to bring you the podcast! Thank you for reading!